11/21~28 PGMMV 80% OFF Autumn Sale and a new "Black" bundle!

Pixel Game Maker MV

Use Pixel Game Maker MV to make your own 2D action games! The latest Maker title provides a simple, fun way to make games with zero coding! Also, you are now able to release your games on Nintendo Switch! PGMMV: Powerful enough for pro developers, simple enough for beginners.

Hello, dear PGMMV users! The Steam Autumn Sale has begun! This time we’re offering 80% off on PGMMV and up to 55% off on DLC! This time of year is Black Friday, so PGMMV is offering a limited time bundle of "Black" items in the PGMMV Black Bundle 2023 with a great deal: 15% off! The Ultimate Bundle with all DLCs has also been updated! The "Versatile JRPG Music Pack" and "POP MUSIC SET" DLCs are now included in this bundle! [h2][Bundle Content][/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/36641/MV/ [h3]PGMMV Black Bundle 2023[/h3] [list] [*] Pixel Game Maker MV — Haunted Residences Assets [*] Pixel Game Maker MV — Magical Sound Adventure -Dark [*] Pixel Game Maker MV — The Demon's Dark Castle: Explorative-Platformer Resource Pack [*] The Witch & The 66 Mushrooms [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/25918/ [h3]PGMMV Ultimate Bundle 2023/10[/h3] This bundle includes all DLCs released through October 2023.