June 3 - 10: 83% Sale & New Bundle Release!

Pixel Game Maker MV

Use Pixel Game Maker MV to make your own 2D action games! The latest Maker title provides a simple, fun way to make games with zero coding! Also, you are now able to release your games on Nintendo Switch! PGMMV: Powerful enough for pro developers, simple enough for beginners.

Hello Everyone! As always, thank you for your continued support of Pixel Gamek Maker MV! In our largest discount since the RPG Maker Festival, we're starting a sale for 83% off PGMMV, with discounts of up to 55% on the DLC! Also, we're releasing two limited time bundles to celebrate the release anniversary of Steel Sword Story S! [h2][About The Bundles][/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/40937/MV/ [h3] SSSS x PGMMV Bundle[/h3] Get both Steel Sword Story S and PGMMV for a discounted price! [list] [*] Pixel Game Maker MV [*] Steel Sword Story S [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/40938/MV/ [h3]PGMMV Side-Scroller Bundle[/h3] This bundle includes PGMMV and 4 side-scrolling action gems - including Steel Sword Story S! [list] [*] Pixel Game Maker MV [*] Steel Sword Story S [*] The Witch & The 66 Mushrooms [*] Pixel Game Maker Series Osyaberi! Horijyo! Holin Slash [*] Pixel Game Maker Series MEDIUM-NAUT [/list]