A unique blend of Bullet Heaven & Hell! Embark on a pancake-fueled roguelite adventure! Defeat thousands of monsters with food-based weaponry, face bullet hell bosses, & explore many game modes. Unlock 10 characters, conquer Boss Rush challenges, fight 1v1 boss battles, join the Pancake Patrol!
[*] Every character special is unique and good for different game modes, yet Bellas special was the only one which was totally useless in boss fights. This changes now, as it now can block projectiles, acting as a static shield
[h2]Bugfixes & changes:[/h2]
[*] exp gems are now collected gradually over a time window of 2 seconds and not all at once to prevent a huge amount of exp gems causing a lag spike when all are collected at the same time.
[*] fixed a bug, where collecting multiple magnets at once could set the collection radius to 99999 for the whole run
[*] boss HP now properly scales with difficulty settings. before some bosses had their multiplier applied twice and exponentially
[*] higher difficulty now grant higher scores. they did before, but since time is a score factor and higher difficulties take longer, this negatively impacted higher difficulties too much
[*] Goolop's Goo is despawning later now, if it does not hit an enemy