A unique blend of Bullet Heaven & Hell! Embark on a pancake-fueled roguelite adventure! Defeat thousands of monsters with food-based weaponry, face bullet hell bosses, & explore many game modes. Unlock 10 characters, conquer Boss Rush challenges, fight 1v1 boss battles, join the Pancake Patrol!
[h2]New Features:[/h2]
[*] Added the following Steam leaderboards:
[*] Horde Mode Time Survived (higher = better).
[*] Horde Mode Highscore (higher = better).
[*] Boss Rush Clear Time (lower = better).
[*] Boss Rush Highscore (higher = better).
[*] Leaderboards are currently only accessible through Steam.
[*] Added a button in the options menu to manually push leaderboard scores to Steam.
[*] Localized all achievements for all supported languages.
[*] Introduced more detailed shadows for players, elites, bosses, and enemies.
[*] Added an in-game settings menu, currently featuring only sound settings. Feel free to suggest additional options.
[*] Added synergy icons to the level-up screen to help players identify synergies between abilities more easily.
[*] Improved collision detection for items to make them easier to pick up.
[*] Added a short invincibility frame after the level-up screen to prevent unavoidable damage.
[*] Added a guaranteed weapon upgrade option on the first level-up to reduce the impact of bad RNG.
[*] Removed irritating graphics on volume sliders.
[*] Added [space] as an alternative to [enter] for one-handed gaming.
[*] Added an indicator to the main menu that shows when a new boss fight is available in the "Boss Modes" menu.
[*] Added a scroll indicator to the [TAB] menu on the world map.
[h2]Balance Changes:[/h2]
[*] Increased damage for all weapons at max level.
[*] Reduced Evelyn's HP by 64% (Level 1 Boss).
[*] Reduced Ruffles' HP by 23% (Level 3 Boss).
[*] Increased enemy damage across the board.
[*] Increased elite enemies' HP from the second spawn onward (Level 1).
[*] Increased enemy speed and defense after a specific threshold is reached or manually triggered (Level 2).
[*] Increased pickup area of weapons in Stage 4, to prevent starting the boss with no weapons equipped.
[*] Changed damage modifier difficulty setting.
[*] Slightly reduced the difficulty of Evelyn's bullet patterns (Normal version only; this change does not affect the Alternative and Beta versions).
[*] Increased coin rewards on higher difficulties.
[*] Lowered maximum coin costs for all upgrades.
[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
[*] Fixed sound levels in level 1.
[*] Fixed a bug where achievements (in-game and Steam), which should only trigger on completing a level, are triggered on the player's death.
[*] Fixed an issue where mouse and keyboard/controller controls could highlight multiple upgrades on level up, making it unclear which one was picked.
[*] Fixed an issue where enemies became untargetable after the number of enemies on screen exceeded 500.
[*] Fixed graphic issues on musical notes, musical tornado, and musical wave.
[*] Fixed an issue where the window was always on top.
[*] Fixed in-game live score display to properly include character-specific multipliers.
[*] Fixed overlapping text on the level-up screen caused by the introduction of the new "synergy" information.