1.10.2 Patch Notes

Fruit Ninja VR 2

The sequel to the juiciest VR game of all time! Build your collection of blades and bows. Slice your way through unique levels and minigames. Explore the vibrant world of Fruitasia and become a true Fruit Ninja master!

[h1]Tutorial Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Changed the position and timing of some tutorial steps [*] Changed the way some mechanics are introduced to the player [*] Added some gameplay opportunities during the tutorial[/list] [h1]Quick Play[/h1] [list] [*] Added a new Quick Play menu that will appear whenever leaving the Dojo [*] Added the ability to quickly teleport to any gameplay area in the game through Quick Play [*] Added the ability to skip the outside tutorial by instantly teleporting to the game mode chosen in the Dojo tutorial [*] Added a home button to the Ninja Scroll's Home Screen to quickly access the Quick Play menu[/list] [h1]General[/h1] [list] [*] Set the initial load position whenever loading up the game to inside the Dojo [*] Made the back door in the Archery Area openable [*] Improved performance while the Ninja Scroll is open [*] Improved performance during Wave Master and Chaos Mode [/list]