1.02.003 - HUGE Optimization Update, Bug Fixes, and a Special Announcement 😉

The Backrooms Game FREE Edition

Nothing but the stink of old, moist carpets, the madness of mono-yellow, and the blinding light of fluorescent bulbs at maximum hum-buzz. Over 600 million sq. miles of randomly segmented rooms. God save you if you hear something wandering nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35413137/c90f83ab9e2b1a4633b02a52bedf0ff3d69c1d06.png[/img] Hey there everyone! This patch brings a giant optimization update. The level generation was completely reworked, yielding performance increases of ~100+ FPS in some cases! But here's the real news: We are officially working as a full team on The Backrooms Game FULL Edition! We will be announcing more details and teasers really soon, but in the meantime, [url=https://www.pieonaplateproductions.com/the-backrooms-game]check out the roadmap we have on our website![/url] If you want to follow the development of The Backrooms Game FULL Edition even more closely, join our communities! We hear your suggestions, comments, and general feedback on the state of the current game, and where the FULL Edition is going! [url=https://discord.gg/gN2rknG]Discord[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBackroomsGame/]Reddit[/url] Excited to show more updates for the FULL Edition! Happy noclipping 😎 -David III [h1]The Backrooms Game 1.02.003 Update Log - 8/20/19[/h1] [h1]New Additions (2):[/h1] -Added partial controller support (Xbox360 and XboxOne controllers only). Please note that controllers will NOT work in menus, but will ONLY work during gameplay. Full controller support coming in the FULL Edition. -Sprinting now compatible with Right Shift for all you left handers out there [h1]Bug Fixes (6): [/h1] -Fixed typo on main menu screen -Modified dead zone of joystick axis detection in hopes of resolving undesirable movement for this with HOTAS’s connected to their system -Fixed rare bug where the floor would fail to generate -Fixed rare bug where the ceiling would fail to generate -Fixed issue where stains on the ceiling would clip in and out of the ceiling as it lowers -Fixed issue where distance would sometimes calculate incorrectly after very far distances [h1]Optimizations (2):[/h1] -Decreased the number of overall tiles used, resulting in less light calculations and a much greater average FPS -Heavily optimized the level generation algorithm