is OUT!! New dithering algorithms added!

PixageFX Studio

PixageFX Studio is a brand new, parametric image/video/animated GIF editing, pixel art converter / generator and game graphic materials, sketches, cartoons, abstract paintings, illustrations,ascii art (and more) creation software that anyone can use.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40136733/d0d5bc4da81f8f98914ce5ceb876030486258101.png[/img] New effect added : [b]Dithering & Halftoning[/b] With this new effect, new dithering algorithms have been added that were not previously available in PixageFX. Ordered dithering algorithms have been diversified and additionally - Floyd Steinberg - Stucky - Sierra3, two rows of Sierra and Sierra lite - Jujini - Added Burkes algorithms. We reconsidered the existing ordered dithering algorithms. We've added more options for Bayer and also added some halftoning patterns. [i]Important note: Currently, Pixelate effects still contain old dithering methods. New dithering algorithms will be added to all pixelization effects when we are completely sure from user feedback and testing.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40136733/dada9ee7be30a097db0224193fd9a96e87160249.png[/img] New Feature added to [b]Pixelate Advanced AI[/b] As you know, there was no dithering feature in Pixelate Advanced AI effect before. The dithering feature has been added in the new version. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40136733/c43a3d139c75e9a1ec7109ac0dcbd0cf3c9cd3a8.png[/img]