1.0.4 (Bugfix Patch)

Third Crisis

Fight or fuck your way through the story. Choose friend or foe from the diverse cast. Stay pure or stray to the perverse. Explore Carceburgs town and conquer the wilderness. Outplay your opponents and get what you came here for.

[list] [*]Added a missing collider on the 2nd tower floor. [*]Added additional retroactive recognize triggers for saves that missed the original triggers to show a character's recognized name. [*]Added missing dialogue in the tower. [*]Fixed old pop up saying "we are working on more" in Peitho base. [*]Fixed the layer issue in the townhall 7 scene. [*]Fixed size of the trigger being too small for entering the Motel through the window. [*]Fixed a combat softlock when an NPC is trapped and can't move. [/list]