[0.7.14 Version Patch Note]

Magenta Horizon

Magenta Horizon is a fast-paced 2D action platformer game that is heavily inspired by the Spectacle Fighter genre. Playing as a Reaper of the twisted purgatorial afterlife, push your skills to the limit to destroy the hordes of demons and epic bosses to reach your destination.

Halloween is near, so I have some scary updates for you all. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42774589/cc28620fae682f9af5f44e50388ff629d4f1849b.png[/img] [list] [*] Since "that CEO" is gone, I removed the splash screen joke as I promised. [*] The game used to have a strict set of normal damage and heavy damage from the enemy's side. From now on, each enemy's attack will have a set amount of damage multipliers. This was added for future balancing and conceptual consistency. (for example, there should be a damage difference between getting smacked by a lobster and getting crashed by a train.) [*] This also means, that some enemies will deal more damage and some enemies will deal less. But overall they will provide the same playstyle to beat them. [*] Buffed the health of bosses in 2-3 and 3-3. [*] Added more necklace inventory slots to provide more collectibles in the future. (There are no new necklace pieces yet!) [*] Completely removed the boss's post-attack delays in Still Alive and Wandering Soul difficulty modes. [*] Added the warning signal around the health bar which appears when the health is low. [/list]