🌊 0.5.9 Update: New Feature and Bug Fixes

Codename: Ocean Keeper

The entire underwater world will be hunting you. Find caves and dig tunnels to obtain valuable resources to upgrade your mech. Combine a vast array of weapons and create your unique build that will allow you to last as long as possible and unravel the mysteries of the ocean.

[h3]Hello Keepers,[/h3] Thank you for your feedback, we have taken into account most of the feedback and fixed critical errors. [b]New Features [/b] [list] [*] Now each run begins at random point on the map [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed bug when suicidal Bugs (actual enemies, not those ones in code) spun like crazy while jumping on mech [*] Fixed bug with Shield - now Shield blocks damage from suicidal Bugs [*] Fixed Crab boss - now he isn't stuck in the cave [*] Fixed bug when tutorial text skips for no reason [*] Fixed bug when a player closed upgrade in the tutorial and it breaks the game [*] Fixed bug when Mech shooting into the void in purple Biome [*] Corrected the location of cannon-skills in the HUB [*] Fixed broken Digger animation in HUB [*] Fixed mechanic of digging - now digger doesn't throw away from the blocks while having high speed [*] Fixed Explosion Bullets decals - now they are visible above the abyss [*] Fixed Upgrade menu - now it cannot be opened after death [*] Fixed Enemies explosion effects - now they don't overlap mechs [/list] We will be glad to hear your feedback on the new version, you can leave it on our Discord channel - https://discord.gg/vyKNJKeaKj