[0.5.5] More interesting interior decorations!

[h2] Update content [/h2] [list] [*] Optimization: When placing objects, holding down Ctrl can move according to the set interval [*] Optimization: When grabbing an object and holding down the X key, its Z-axis rotation can be controlled through the mouse scroll wheel [*] Add [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205364113]Low polygon interior decoration [/url] Mod: Provides 360+interior decoration objects, and some furniture can also interact. Use them to create your favorite decoration! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44561819/cc96e8d4d3ffb579857ea3b2134c05784ecd3741.jpg[/img] [/list] Development log: I have been spending these weeks searching for suitable indoor models and trying to maximize the effectiveness of each model. Currently, it seems that I can still achieve my initial goals. The next step is to optimize the model alignment function and provide blueprint functionality (to facilitate user sharing and importing of works).