0.2.0 is deployed

Medieval Towns

A multiplayer game in medieval setting about survival, diplomacy, building of towns and conquests. Try to survive in wild nature, gather resources, create or join guild, build town and fight for glory or resources!

[b]Introduced new tiers of items and growth: Tier-0/3.[/b] Version 0.2.0 contains tier-0 completely and tier-1 almost completely (remaining tier-1 items and icons will be added in the next patches) [b]Tier-0[/b] The area around the starting cities (Westburg at the moment) is a safe area (security status: maximum) - no damage to players and buildings. There is a process of decay, the average period of 3 days. Resources: stick, flint, fiber, hide, animal remains, flax, mushroom, wild pumpkin, clay, wood log, leather, bone, hay. Buildings are made of clay and sticks, weapons/tools are made of flint, armor is made of leather and bones. Leather armor (%20 defense) gives an additional bonus against cold, bone armor (20% defence) gives a bonus against heat. The temperature in the desert and north biomes will be added a bit later. Temperature: medium [b]Tier-1[/b] A region in a temperate biome (“fields and forests”) outside of tier-0. Security is absent. Buildings are made of logs and ropes, weapons/tools and armor are made of bronze. Resources dominate in this area: copper ore, tin ore, flax, fiber, wood log. Temperature: medium [b]Crafting[/b] For manual crafting ANY thing you need to learn the "draft". The draft can be found in the boxes (container with loot). Loot containers are a sack, a barrel and a box. They are scattered around the NPC-town and next to carts and ruins (POI). Some primitive things do not require a workbench for craft, but others require a specialized workbench. The crafting levels are from 1 to 100. The crafting level affects the amount of required resources and crafting time: Level 1: 4x resources and time ...a linear decrease in the multiplier with increasing level... 100 level: 1x resources and time. The mini-game during crafting is removed, you can crafting "in the background." [b]Inventory[/b] Armor slots: head, chest, arms, legs, foot Weapon slot: primary (you can put a tool/weapon/mallet in the slot) RMB menu on items: divide, drop, use (for food, water, drafts, future bandages) Improvement of work with inventory (QOL) in the process. [b]Repair and upgrade[/b] The mallet is now required only for repair and upgrade of the structure. For repair and upgrade, you just need to hit the structure with a mallet: first the structure must be repaired and then it can be upgraded. The first line is the resources for repair next to the HP of the building on the HUD, the second line is the resources for upgrade. [b]Building[/b] After installing the building, a “construction site” appears with a timer for 10 minutes. It is necessary during this time to put any required resource in the "construction site" and the timer will be reset again for 10 minutes. If 10 minutes have passed and there are not enough resources at the construction site, the construction site will be destroyed. [b]Bed[/b] The bed is a respawn point. Now the player can only install one bed, the previous one is destroyed. You can’t take someone else’s bed. [b]Access to containers[/b] Added sharing in containers. Previously, only one player got access to the container at the time. [b]Workbenches[/b] Workbenches are divided into 3 types: 1. Craft - allow you to craft certain things (potter's wheel, spinning wheel) 2. Automatic - craft things in automatic mode (dryer, well) 3. Automatic with the ability to turn off - craft things in activated mode (furnace) [b]Day/Night[/b] Introduced a change of day and night. Day lasts 50 minutes of real time, night - 10 minutes. Lights automatically turn on at sunset and turn off at dawn. Added torch and torch draft to tier-0 loot containers. [b]Combat system[/b] - attack (requires stamina) [i]LMB[/i] - block (requires a lot of stamina) [i]RMB[/i] - cancellation of an attack or “false attack” (at the initial stage of a strike, it requires a bit of stamina) [i]RMB[/i] In case of successful blocking, the defender receives the speed of the attack, the attacker receives a small stun. In the event of a successful attack, the stamina of the attacker is not consumed. Enhanced damage to the head, weakened in the limbs. [b]Survival[/b] Added attribute "thirst" (more precisely, "hydration"). Attribute "stamina" is added: it is consumed when moving (running, jumping) and with failed attacks with a weapon/tool. A bit later the temperature attribute will be added. [b]Guilds[/b] Roles in guilds are introduced: “chief” (owner of the guild), “minions” and “peasants”. These roles are necessary to differentiate access for doors/gates and building in the town. [b]Doors and gates[/b] Any door/gate has the ability to configure access. The lists are entered: "use" and "adjust". "Use" list - groups of players who can open/close a door/gate "Adjust" list - groups of players who can change the "use" and "adjust" lists. [b]Town Hall[/b] Added ability to set tax: 0-90% Added the ability to set the name of the city (for display on the map in the future). Added a list of groups of players that can build in the town. [b]Buildings decay[/b] In the NPC-town and outside towns buildings decay on average 1-3 real days. Within the town of players, the building requires resources for support from the tax chest of the town hall. If there are no resources or not enough - the building begins to decay. In the towns of the players maximum security is temporarily established (although it says "None"). They were temporarily removed from the current version and are being processed: - trading posts - sleepers - animals - map - guard tower - garden bed - maybe something is forgotten