[0.15.10] Big patch with lots of fixes!

Time to Morp

Time to Morp is a colony sim game in which you take care of playful creatures - Morps. Use their help to gather resources, grow crops, build and decorate a base, set up pipe networks, automate everything and explore the world to find new species and rare materials.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38670119/2b14f84a5302b6da80c61d7767e082243e832085.png[/img] [h3]Hello, Interns![/h3] We continue to [b]polish Time to Morp![/b] This patch is packed with fixes for [b]multiplayer errors[/b] along with many other issues [b]you reported[/b] and that we [b]discovered ourselves[/b]. Here’s the full list of fixes: [h2]Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*][b]Morps[/b] are no longer [b]invisible [/b]on a [b]client [/b]if [b]host is too far [/b] [*]Fixed [b]status icons[/b] above [b]Morps [/b]on a [b]client[/b] [*]When a [b]client disconnects[/b] because of an [b]error[/b], the [b]reason for disconnection[/b] should be stated [b]more clearly[/b] now [*]Fixed the issue where the [b]resolution [/b]was selected [b]incorrectly[/b] [*]Fixed the issue where [b]multiple players[/b] were trying to [b]build a fence[/b] on the [b]same cell[/b] [*]Fixed the [b]rotation issue[/b] for [b]rocks[/b] and [b]trees [/b]on client — [b]Morps [/b]should no longer be stuck [b]next to a tree[/b] instead of [b]being on it[/b] due to [b]incorrect rotation of entity [/b] [*]Fixed the issue when [b]gather action[/b] was [b]not showing[/b] due to [b]inventory being full[/b] [*]Fixed [b]Area Theme UI[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*]Fixed [b]Morp[/b] rolling effect staying on the screen for too long [*]Optimized big [b]Power/Water/Laser[/b] grids during building [*]Building [b]under Morps[/b] who are on trees no longer [b]breaks the game[/b] [*]Quest for [b]Bowls [/b]and [b]Cookers [/b]should update properly now [*][b]Morp Info[/b] now shows [b]correct leveling progression[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*]On a [b]client[/b], [b]starting cutscenes[/b] should no [b]longer break the game[/b] if [b]NPCs[/b] are too [b]far away[/b] [*][b]Gathering resources[/b] while [b]inventory is full[/b] should work properly now on a [b]client[/b] [*]Fixed an issue where building [b]on top of resources[/b] on a [b]client [/b]would cause [b]problems[/b] [*] Fixed [b]power icon[/b] and [b]UI title[/b] for the [b]Chest[/b] [*][b]Clients [/b]can no longer throw resources [b]onto a busy cell[/b] when throwing [b]too fast[/b] [*]Fixed an issue where it was possible to hold a [b]Chunk of Electrons[/b] and [b]Morps[/b] at the[b] same time[/b] [*]It's possible to pick [b]Chunks of Electrons[/b] from [b]Bowls [/b]now [*]It's [b]no longer possible[/b] to [b]throw seeds[/b] onto an [b]occupied gardening plot[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*][b]Morp animations[/b] are now [b]properly displayed[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*]Morps that are [b]outside of a view[/b] are now [b]properly hidden[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*]Fixed an issue of [b]invisible/tiny Morps[/b] on a [b]client[/b] [*]Fixed an issue where [b]clients [/b]would experience[b] errors when holding something[/b] if they were [b]too far[/b] from the [b]host player[/b] [*][b]Extractor notifications[/b] on a [b]client [/b]are now properly [b]updated [/b]when an level up is available [*]Fixed an issue where [b]resources [/b]would get [b]stuck in the air[/b] after being [b]thrown [/b]on a [b]client[/b] [*]Fixed issues that occurred when a [b]client was reconnecting[/b] while [b]holding [/b]something [*]Fixed an issue where [b]random resources[/b] would [b]appear on the map[/b] after gathering items in a [b]different location[/b] [*]Moving [b]mouse [/b]outside [b]the map[/b] while building no longer [b]breaks the game[/b] [/list] [h2]Join our Socials[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38670119/98e477d3ba1dfc6f33b9759f76ff35f91604ebaa.png[/img] [url=https://discord.com/invite/SdWBfVS style=button]Discord Server[/url] | [url=https://twitter.com/TeamHalfBeard style=button] Twitter[/url] | [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@teamhalfbeard style=button] TikTok[/url] | [url=http://timetomorp.com style=button] Website[/url] | [url=https://www.instagram.com/teamhalfbeard style=button] Instagram[/url]