0.11.3 Update


Warudo is the flexible & personalized 3D VTubing software you have always wanted. Built-in face & hand tracking, custom 3D assets, Twitch/YouTube integration, blueprint system, C# plugins, and so much more.

[list] [*]Contact system! The new "On Contact" node allows you to detect when a character or prop is in contact with another character or prop, and trigger events accordingly! We will release plenty of blueprint examples in the coming days. [*]Expression conditions! You can now specify "Trigger Conditions" on character expressions, which allows you to automatically trigger expressions based on blendshape values. For example, you can now automatically trigger a "Joy" expression when the "mouthSmileLeft" and "mouthSmileRight" blendshapes are both above 0.5. Tutorials coming soon! [*]New nodes & options: [list] [*]"Throttle Flow" and "Debounce Flow" nodes that allow you to throttle or debounce blueprint flows. The "Throttle Flow" node will only allow a flow to pass through every X seconds, while the "Debounce Flow" node will only allow a flow to pass through after X seconds of inactivity. [*]"Is Character Expression Active" node that allows you to check whether a character expression is currently active. [*]"String Regex" node that allows you to perform regular expression matching on strings, with captured groups as data outputs. [*]"Throw Prop At Character" node now has a "Collision Position" data output. [*]Experimental: "Detect Character Hand Gesture" node that detects hand gestures. Note that this node is currently model and tracking specific, and most likely will only work well for Leap Motion or more accurate hand tracking. [/list] [*]Experimental Xbox controller support! You can now use a Xbox controller to control the camera. The controls are as below: [list] [*]Orbit Camera: Left stick to orbit, right stick to pan, LT/RT to zoom [*]Free Look Camera: Left stick to move forward/backward/left/right, right stick to rotate, LT/RT to move up/down [*]Press the menu button to toggle between orbit camera and free look camera [*]Controller settings are available in Menu -> Settings -> Controls [/list] [*]Lights: Added "Bias" and "Normal Bias" options for shadows [*]Issues fixed: [list] [*]Leap Motion hand tracking is incorrect when character does not have full finger bones [*]"Set Character BlendShape" node transition duration is not applied correctly [*]When importing a VRM model, the "Neutral" expression is not imported correctly [*]Editor disconnects connections when a node updates its ports [*]Ragdoll colliders are not displayed correctly when ragdoll is disabled [/list] [/list]