0.11.1 Update


Warudo is the flexible & personalized 3D VTubing software you have always wanted. Built-in face & hand tracking, custom 3D assets, Twitch/YouTube integration, blueprint system, C# plugins, and so much more.

[list] [*][b]Winds![/b] You can now add "Wind (VRM)" and "Wind (Magica Cloth)" assets to add wind effects to your characters with VRM spring bones or Magica Cloth components! [*]MediaPipe & Leap Motion hand tracking now look much better! No more weird twisting. [*]New nodes: "Asset Reference", "Find Asset By Name", "Find Asset By Type" to reference/find a scene asset in blueprints. [*]New nodes: "Object Is Null", "Object Is Not Null" to check if an object is null for advanced users. [*]Xsens tracker now explicitly reports model incompatibility with Xsens Unity plugin [*]Screen browser audio is now disabled when screen is disabled [*]Issues fixed: [list] [*]Export blueprint as file always yields an empty file [*]Leap Motion tracking is incorrect when character is not at origin [*]MotionBuilder tracking is incorrect when character is not at origin [*]"Generate Head Idle Animation" does not rotate head [*]"Set Asset Transform" node does not work on cameras [*]Startup freeze when VDRAW is installed [/list] [/list]