《散落之瓣:華》一周年更新 + 夏季特賣


Story: Red receives the invitation card from her grandmother and decides to visit her, but there is all over the monsters on her way. Those monsters try to stop and take her away, so she needs to use her personality to get out of the danger. The story background is in the deep forest.

奇幻冒險RPG《散落之瓣:華》即將1歲,在此迎來一周年更新! [h3]新增裝備[/h3] ◇ 灼木槍 ◇ 凜風戒指 ◇ 清水髮飾 ◇ 勇者戰衣 希望新的裝備讓大家在冒險中可以得到更多力量! [h3]新增鑲靈[/h3] ◇ 小暖螢草 ◇ 魅影玫瑰 新的鑲靈們,可以為旅人們的作戰帶來什麼化學變化呢? [h3]新增支線[/h3] 共有兩條新增的支線劇情!一個位於蒼玉驛站,一個位於真理院,旅人們能邂逅它們嗎? [h3]新手教學更新[/h3] 把文字新手教學替換,全數換成圖解的形式,旅人們簡單快速上手。 [h3]SteamDeck文字顯示異常修正[/h3] 嘗試修正了SteamDeck文字顯示異常,若仍有出現問題,請大家繼續回報! 此外,《散落之瓣:華》正在進行夏季特賣,買買買正是時候!若還在考慮的旅人們,也歡迎先加入願望清單! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1929850/__Falling_Petals_Bloom_Edition/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2075380/_/