Story: Red receives the invitation card from her grandmother and decides to visit her, but there is all over the monsters on her way. Those monsters try to stop and take her away, so she needs to use her personality to get out of the danger. The story background is in the deep forest.


RED is a game which made by three university students. They use FLASH and RPG MAKER to make RED and the post-production is PS (PhotoShop). This game is an action and side-scrolling video game. The whole stroy is rewrited from the story "Little Red Riding Hood".
RED芮德兒為三位大學生用FLASH,RPG MAKER所製成,後製工具為PS,遊戲為橫向式捲軸動作遊戲,整體故事以小紅帽為故事藍本改寫。
Thanks for Adrián Palomino del Moral 's help. Because his translation in Spanish, we are able to launch the Spanish version.We appreciate your help, the game in Spanish version is launched. We will tag you on our shopping page to present our gratitude.
感謝Adrián Palomino del Moral的西班牙文翻譯幫助,使得遊戲能推出西班牙文



遊戲名稱:芮德兒 ( RED ) 
遊戲類別:2D橫向卷軸遊戲 ( 2D side-scrolling Game )
遊戲時間:約20分鐘左右 ( About 20 minutes )
結局數量:2個 (普通結局&真結局) ( Both Endings )
製作軟體:RPG Maker XP
畫面尺寸:640 x 480 pixel
系統需求:Windows XP以上
語系:繁體中文、 English、Spanish
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