Cthulhu Mythos Horror Game, Blood Lily Loop, Now Available


這是一款結合生活與戰鬥的養成遊戲,玩家將扮演夢想開店的鍊金術士,為了向父母證明自己的能力,獨自前往亞斯達小鎮。在這 180 天內,你會遇到怎樣的人,過著怎樣的人生呢?

[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/33644753/6fbd57dc43d68b4058f2a1493264b94b0277d200.png[/img] Sounding Stone's new game Blood Lily Loop is now available! [About This Game] Your bestie seems to be hiding something. There's something about your world that seems odd as well, like it has...secrets. Dive into the Cthulhu Mythos universe of this horror game and witness a "friendship" that rewrites the world. [previewyoutube=cf74-Ds9RZ8;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2675270/