“Santa Monica Paradise” is a romantic comedy visual novel and dating sim set in sunny Santa Monica. Play as a famous chef visiting California and meeting new people.
“Aisling and the Tavern of Elves” is an Isekai Fantasy-Comedy Dating Sim Visual Novel, where you play as Aisling Whitehorse, a hapless mercenary turned tavern owner eking out a living in the Elven Kingdom of Eiredagh.
Tequila Sunrise is a romantic comedy dating sim where you play as Robert Finch, ex-football player and current club promoter for “Tequila Sunrise” the newest, and hopefully soon-to-be trendiest, nightclub in Manchester.
“Lovers in Playa Rosa” is a Romantic Comedy Visual Novel and Yuri Dating Sim where you play as barkeeper Tina Lee as she takes a trip to Mexico to improve her fortunes and explore lesbian love!