Santa Monica Paradise

“Santa Monica Paradise” is a romantic comedy visual novel and dating sim set in sunny Santa Monica. Play as a famous chef visiting California and meeting new people.

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After finishing a painful divorce, renowned New York chef Peter Kellerman accepts an invitation from his multi-millionaire brother to spend a weekend at his villa in Santa Monica. To his surprise, he finds his brother away on a business meeting and a mysterious woman living in his house…

“Santa Monica Paradise” is a romantic comedy visual novel and dating sim set in sunny Santa Monica. Play as a famous chef visiting California and meeting new people.

Who will he meet there?

Will he be able to heal his heart’s old wounds?

Can he find love?

Santa Monica Paradise features:

- A charming romantic-comedy slice-of-life story.
- Beautiful anime-style art
- Cool Latin and jazz soundtrack
- Multiple endings


Max: 1,99€


Min: 1,99€