Wick3r: Cheese, Keys & Speed

Join our petty thieving protagonist Wicker on his Wicked adventure about Cheese, Keys and (naturally) Speed, in this 2000s inspired Momentum 3D Platformer with radical levels and a coolness factor off the charts!

What is this game?

Wick3r: Cheese, Keys & Speed is a 2000s inspired Momentum 3D Platformer with radical levels and a coolness factor off the charts!

Who is Wicker?

Wicker is a rat, a thief and a scoundrel.

He doesn't really care for the opinion of others. He steals from the rich and gives to himself.

He's a master at using his agility and momentum to traverse open environments of many kinds. Whether it's an oil rig or a spiraling subway station, he's always ready to dash right through. Just don't mind the broken glass... or the robots... or the drones.

Wicker's gameplay consists of 3 major pillars:

  • 3D Momentum-Based Platforming - Test your physics based platforming skills.
  • Spacious Levels - Take in the vast and varied level design.
  • Spectacle - Live through moments of spectacle and set pieces like never before!
All of these come together into one exciting smorgasbord of a game!

You want features? We got em!

  • A Singleplayer Campaign designed to take you through a thrilling story with high stakes and comic mischief.
  • Multiple playable characters... More details on this Coming Soon™
  • A cozy hideout for you to hang around in-between your playthroughs.
  • A Multiplayer Mode where you battle other players in races, leaderboard positions AND more! Character Customization is a bonus obviously.

Can't wait for the game to release? Try out our demo today!

Press kit available on our website, check our links on the right! 👉