Wick3r: Cheese, Keys & Speed Update 0.4.1 Patch Notes

Wick3r: Cheese, Keys & Speed

Join our petty thieving protagonist Wicker on his Wicked adventure about Cheese, Keys and (naturally) Speed, in this 2000s inspired Momentum 3D Platformer with radical levels and a coolness factor off the charts!

Patch Notes 0.4.1: First and foremost, thank you for reading our first ever patch notes on Steam! Now, onto the changes! Reworked Rail Physics - Rail Grinds now retain your momentum a lot more and you'll notice taking rails is much faster in a lot of cases. - Jumping off Rails now carries that momentum meaning you'll be able to perform a lot of big jumps if the rail is angled properly. - Homing Attacking a rail below a velocity threshold now gives you more speed to get you started. - Crouching down on rails now has a bigger effect on how fast you're going. - A lot of speedboosters have been adjusted to add speed as opposed to setting it. Multiplayer Chat Box: - Fixed a bug where the join message for a player would be blank - The Chatbox got a makeover! - There is now a small sound effect every time a message is sent - Chat messages now persist over level changes - Added support for Emojis, Emotes and Japanese characters... kinda (You need to encapsulate part of your message in either "emoteHere" for emotes, "emojiHere" for default emojis and "japanese characters here" for japanese characters. - Added some custom Emotes thanks to LegoZols! Achievements - Added 10 achievements for the player to get! Go get em! Music - The Hideout theme now uses a real guitar! (Thank you Zakkujo) Miscellaneous Changes - Fixed a level object that would cause you to bump your head in Split Second Subway - Fixed being able to move if you pause cutscenes - When players collide with each other enough, they will now disappear to reduce z-fighting - The Garage door in Split Second Subway no longer has collision in multiplayer - Fixed inconsistent network events - Fixed some enemies not being visually correct in Split Second Subway - Fixed a bug where not jumping off a panel in multiplayer would cause you to get stuck in the animation for other clients - Reworked Coin Dashes. They will now send you in a direction based on your input - Added startup movie to warn users about possible flashing imagery with some in-game effects