Spaceship Commander

Fight in space or on the planets, or just travel the universe. Visit cities and buildings, mine resources, trade with or speak to individuals on the planets. Explore and discover. Buy a new ship, fit upgrades, and hire a whole army of crew!

In Spaceship Commander players travel in the galaxy on own spaceships with crew. The game combines several genres: strategy, RPG and roguelike elements.

Start the journey from your space station! On the way you will meet many objects and events.

- Planets:
The planet in the game is not just a decoration. This is an interactive massive object on which player can land. Planets are divided into regions, and regions into locations: cities, military bases, forests, deserts, etc. Each planet has its own conditions - some have no oxygen, some bake in hellish heat or freeze in icy cold.

- Space:
Travel among the stars on voyages of discovery! The galaxy is separated into sectors. Sectors contain multiple star systems, and spaceships travel between them by hypergate. All the star systems in the game are not fiction. Starting sector contain elements of our own real-life galactic map, and includes Proxima, Alpha and Beta Centauri, as well as Luhman 16, and Barnard's Star.

- Ship Management:
There are several ship classes available: from small patrol ships to larger frigates and cruisers. Ships have many parameters: hull durability, mass, energy, speed, maneuverability, number of boarding capsules, etc. Each ship also has a different number of weapon slots and connections for internal modules. Be careful, because during the travel you may to lose your ship, your crew, and any resources you had stored aboard! The stakes are high. If you lose a ship, you can take same by insurance for a part of cost.

- Crew Management:
You have crew members that you can control like in strategy games. But you can also activate the manual control mode and play a single crew member. Crew members different by characteristics: survivability, equipment, resistance to airless, cold and heat. How many crew you can take on board is determined by the capacity of the ship.

- Tactical Mode:
Watch the full situation around through to the tactical mode.

- Progress:
Your space station contains all your ships and resources, and is where your crew spends their downtime. Accumulate! Earn money by completing missions or eliminating enemies. Mine your own resources, or buy them from traders. Find hidden treasure! Upgrade to more advanced equipment, more powerful ships, and more skilled crew.

Everything is ready, Commander! Adventure awaits!