Marines capsule improved [Update]

Spaceship Commander

Fight in space or on the planets, or just travel the universe. Visit cities and buildings, mine resources, trade with or speak to individuals on the planets. Explore and discover. Buy a new ship, fit upgrades, and hire a whole army of crew!

Has been released the update that has significantly redesigned Marines Capsules. Now the capsule can be given orders - to board, return to the ship, unload mariners (when docked). To return your troops to your ship - select the crew members and send them to the capsule (RMB). After they get into the capsule, select it and give to capsule the order "Return to ship". The capsule will undock from the enemy ship and go to your ship. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32753107/96836fcd9d034d6f5a57e57e43822a344e5e23c3.gif[/img] Also has been added the ability to capture an enemy marines module and escape from enemy ship on his capsule. To do this, simply send your mariners inside the enemy marines module (RMB), in fact, how it is work with player marines module. After your guys sit in the module, it will be captured and you can give him the orders to launch the capsule (unless of course If the enemy has not spent them before you) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32753107/9483091ace24568d936f6be9e94c66a28890117a.gif[/img] Other changes and bug fixes: - Enemy crew members now correctly attack the doors on the player's ship. Also, the player's crew members now more correctly attack the doors on the enemy ship. - The shooting distance of the crew members has been changed. Now the crew members do not run "head on to ram" but keep the firing distance if the target is in the visibility zone. Also, the distance of aggression for the crew members of the enemy and the player was a bit increased. - Improved overall control by crew members. Now they can attack enemy modules. They can be recalled from combat (RMB) and they don't "stick" on some objects as they used to. - Changed status-icons like "out of ammo", "no energy", etc. Fixed a bug when they rotate with the ship. - Fixed a bug when a crew member was sitting in the landing module and when the ship was destroyed, he "fell out into space". Now the crew member will be destroyed. - Fixed an not cool bug when a player could install 2 modules in the same slot. - Fixed a rare, but also not cool bug when a player cannot buy a ship immediately after selling his own. - Unit health bars are now displayed correctly - Slightly corrected the description of the ship "Buffalo". - Increased the amount of medicines in the medical module. He can now heal 500 health points. Now I'm start work on the next update. A little later I will tell you what it will be) --------------------------------------------------- Join to game community! [h1][b]Join to game community![/b][/h1] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32753107/cb72c2e8fb647b8e86d3f8096865718470e1be03.png[/img][/url]