
Roopocket - The adventures of Captain Frank is an atmospheric platformer with action-adventure and rpg elements. Actuate every thruster individually to perfection, and complete the space-marathon.

Thank god you landed here. Captain Frank and Dr. Eberhards business is about to collapse. Their only chance is to fly the space-marathon and prove their rockets and pilots, increasing the worth of the rockets drasticly. Are you capable of flying Franks rocket through all four planets? It won't be easy, you need the calmest fingers in the universe, to actuate every thruster precisely enough to overcome all the challenges waiting for Captain Frank!


This game is played like no other game. Your very own fingers each control every thruster of the rockets individually. Learn to actuate all thrusters smoothly and nicely to balance the rocket, or even fly bold maneuvers to reach the finish platform. Whilst doing so make sure to care about three important aspects, to maintain and increase the worth of your rocket.

Speed, Health, Fuel

Maximize your flight skills to maximize the worth of your rocket, enabling Frank and Dr. Eberhard to maintain their business.


These are all the rockets Dr. Eberhard and Frank have stored in their garage. If you succeed finishing the Space-Marathon, you will be able to try with the other rockets as well.


You need to help Captain Frank and Dr. Eberhard to keep up their business. In order to do so, you will attend to fly the Space-Marathon in order to massively increase the rockets worth. It is the most feared marathon in the whole universe, which is why it's just called Space-Marathon. It takes place on four different planets and on one of the planets moons. The planets are

The starting planet and the home of Dr. Eberhard. From here all the business is handled and it is where the garage stands.

The slightly more exotic and colder planet, where the participant faces his first big challenges with variying gravity and dangerous asteroids.

The most questioned and heavily discussed Cube-Planet. It is unclear until today, how this planet maintains his structure, but he still remains part in the Space-Marathon until today.

The so called Paper-Planet, which is reached through wormholes and is one of the most visited attractions in the galaxy.


Max: 11,99€


Min: 11,99€