Roopocket - The adventures of Captain Frank is an atmospheric platformer with action-adventure and rpg elements. Actuate every thruster individually to perfection, and complete the space-marathon.
We finally released Roopocket.
After not just optimizing the game in the last couple of weeks, but also adding new features we couldn't resist to include, we're ready to bring the game to you!
We're excited to see you trying to fly and balance the rockets through the levels and explore the world of Captain Frank and Dr. Eberhardt. Send us your Screenshots, videos and best runs of the game, or just write us how you're doing. We're thrilled to hear it!
New added features
[*]Balancer rocket
[*]Rubel rocket
[*]A couple of sounds including menu, heart-beat sound and garage sounds
[*]Unlocking of rockets
[*]Testing rockets
Hope to see you in space soon, have a good flight!