Our way down

You are suddenly spirited away to a dark plateau. Here, alone, you'd probably die. But, someone else is here sharing in your peril. Perhaps together, you can find a way out.

Alagossa decides to go for a walk in the early morning dark. Her walk takes her through an underpass.
Deep in the tunnel, the lights go out. Alagossa attempts to exit the tunnel but, finds herself on a dark, narrow plateau instead.
Alone, you would probably die here. But, there is another here with you, sharing the same problem as you.
Perhaps together, you can find a way out.

- W a l k i n g .
-The odd "Hey, this door's locked. Welp, let's look for something to get it open with." puzzle.
-Wait, don't go, there's a good story-

-It's a walking simulator but, the game can be finished in 25-40 minutes. So, doesn't overstay it's welcome. A nice, short story.
-Good for fans of character driven and atmospheric stories.
-No (intentional) jump scares. I startled myself during play-testing but, that could just be me being a bit of a weenie.
-Like SCP? You'll enjoy this.
-Anyone who has played Ara and the Empty Universe will find something. I will say no more.
-Fans of game theorying will have fun with this.

04/04/2022 NOTE:
Had some people ask so, if you are interested in my work and future releases I'm working on, here's my YouTube channel. All of my games will get trailers and they all go here.
YouTube channel: