
Euclidean; a game of geometric horror; a slow descent into the dark, into madness, futility, and despair, where Things greater than you watch and wait and dream. Struggle for every second of life you have left… Even knowing you’re better off dead.

Behind our comfortable, familiar dimensions, beyond the timeless depths of space, there is a Place that mankind was not meant to know. A Place hostile to all life. We do not belong there. We cannot survive there. At least, not for long…

Euclidean; a game of geometric horror; a slow descent into the dark, into madness, futility, and despair, where Things greater than you watch and wait and dream. Struggle for every second of life you have left… Even knowing you’re better off dead.

  • An endless faller through tense otherworldly environments
  • Three difficulty levels: HARD, NIGHTMARISH and IMPOSSIBLE
  • 9 distinct stages of hand-crafted terror
  • Terrifying VR support
  • Binaural 3d audio by 3Deception®
  • Haunting ambient soundtrack
  • No zombies




Max: 4,99€


Min: 4,99€


“Ever have that nightmare where you’re falling endlessly through a surreal world of geometric shapes, nightmarish sounds and threatening shadows? Well that pretty much describes Euclidean.”
The Rift Arcade

“Euclidean is a very unique and strange thing. The creatures are all built from rudimentary geometric shapes, but there are pulsations and twitches to each of them that not only give them life, but make them downright unsettling.”