A dark, futuristic world transforms you and your friends into a team of synthetically engineered elite mercenaries, dispatched on a series of perilous missions into the darkest corners of space to battle a horrific alien infection, the DarkSwarm. The team is led to strange, sprawling exoplanets, swarming with hordes of alien filth, to defend the outposts of humanity from certain doom in an absolute war for survival.
With class-based gameplay, you and your team will utilize both weapons and cunning to complete the mission, make a daring escape with the loot, and save whatever — and whoever — needs to be rescued.
Some of the things you will be able to experience:- Loads of blood & gore
- Local & online co-op
- Huge swarms of nasty aliens
- 4 distinct player classes
- Cunning gameplay like stealth, hacking and tactical play
- Procedural map generation - never play the same level twice
- Semi-destructible environment
- Guns, gadgets, progression and things that go boom!