Shu Yu, a popular writer, became sisters with Lu Xi, an online voice actress.But when Lu Xi accidentally discovers that her favorite yuri author is actually her sister Shu Yu, she becomes increasingly attracted to Shu Yu's personality and a forbidden romance gradually unfolds between them...
"Touhou Saibanmu ~Rookie Attorney Legendry" is a puzzle-solving detective game based on the Touhou series. It mainly tells the story of Marisa Kirisame who, by chance, becomes a lawyer. The story is divided into three chapters, each with multiple endings.
The fog city detective with exceptional intelligence and keen insight, Mei Qu, one day encounters a snow country girl with snow-colored long hair and witch-like beauty, Snell, at a crime scene. From this moment, their fates begin to intertwine, and an adventurous story unfolds.
Individual independent development Witch Queen is a lightweight storyline oriented rts game that is based the dark ages of the fantasy world of Isefaia. In here, Build countries, explore the continent, witness the endings of the Wizards, and learn the truth behind the story.