Developed by Phantomery Interactive, 1953 – KGB Unleashed is a tense and atmospheric First Person Adventure set deep within the bowels of a Soviet bunker during the Cold War. Players must uncover the dark and horrifc secrets buried within, fighting their own paranoia along the way as well as the possibility of all-too-real terrors within...
In the year of our lord 843, the first king of Scotland, Kenneth McAlpin, united the lands of the Picts and Scots to form the Kingdom of Alba. 400 years later Edward I, also known as the "Hammer of the Scots" engulfed the land in a great feud. It was not long before Edward I controlled most of Scotland.
Forestry 2017 – This Simulation takes you to the forest! Take over the tasks of a professional woodcutter and enjoy working in the woods. Control huge machinery, fell the trees, arrange the timber and comb through your wood. Sell the wood, several products and earn money to expand your company.
Players will experience an exciting adventure as Dr. Watson at fantastic locations. The first part of this new 3D hidden object series takes players to the famous Treasure Island. In this adventure, players solve exciting puzzles and interact with a varied landscape and many locations.
In Ski-World Simulator you are managing your own skiing area. Work with the snow cat and prepare the slopes to become a skier’s paradise! Make sure that your patrons have everything they want in order to earn money and increase the size of your skiing operation. The keys to ski-world success are in your hands!
These 3 HOT pinball tables are the ultimate joy for fans of action packed arcade rounds. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology you’ll experience a premium physics simulation. Amazingly detailed, right down to realistic reflections, this game delivers the most intense pinball experience.
Face the hard work of real lumberjacks as you control and operate various small and large machinery at your disposal. From huge Feller Buncher and Harvesters that debranch and cut up the trunks, to tractors, cranes, trucks and trailers for the transportation of the chopped logs.