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"Richman10" is a classic chess game in which players earn money by luck (dicing) and strategy (buying land and buying cards) to defeat other players. Fine arts adopt pure 3D Q version of the original painting style. Game modes include: story mode, biography mode, multi-person hot seat mode, network mode.

Sword and Fairy

Sword and Fairy

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《仙剑奇侠传》是由大宇资讯所制作的一款国产单机中文角色扮演计算机游戏。本作是《仙剑奇侠传》系列的第一部作品,主题是“宿命”。故事以中国古代的仙妖神魔人鬼传说为背景,以武侠及仙侠为题材,宿命为主轴。

Sword and Fairy Inn 2

Sword and Fairy Inn 2

“Swords and Fairy Inn2 ” is a game developed by Softstar Entertainment. It includes the type of RPG, casual, simulation in it. Many roles of Sword and Fairy series come from different place to work in this Inn, live and build a warm peace family together.

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Scar of Sky

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Scar of Sky

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 《轩辕剑参外传 天之痕》是大宇资讯DOMO小组所制作的回合制角色扮演游戏,融合历史、神话、五行等要素,以妙趣横生的战斗系统、别具一格的水墨画风,呈现出一个跌宕起伏、百转千回的隋末传奇故事。

The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation

The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation

Fear, anxiety, and laughter are the symbol of youth. Experience the true paranormal haunting with your friends from the first-person perspective and stay alive. The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation is an adaptation of a horror film, includes Taiwanese urban legend and an intriguing backstory.

Sword and Fairy 3

Sword and Fairy 3

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 《仙剑奇侠传三》是经典仙侠RPG游戏,主题为「轮回」。故事环绕在两把剑,述说着主角两个前世与今生的纠葛。『魔剑养成』、『阵战』等趣味玩法,加上多支线多结局的经典游戏剧情,带你领略一次荡气回肠的仙侠历险、体验一段凄美委婉的浪漫旅程。

Richman 11

Richman 11

Richman 11 is a casual game in Monopoly genre, it is the 11th episode of the franchise. In the game, players could select maps, characters and group play, creating free play or challenge play. Try to earn money and win the play by investing properties, using cards, etc.

Stardom 3

Stardom 3

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《明星志愿3》融合模拟、养成、冒险与益智,玩家扮演经纪人,处于旗下艺人被挖角、父亲心脏病发、公司负债上千万即将倒闭等困境,必须发掘培养出具潜质的明日之星来力挽狂澜。身为经纪人的玩家除了替明星安排行程、充当保姆跟着艺人跑通告之外,还必须辛苦地在游戏中的大小场景东奔西走,找寻新人、替艺人争取曝光的机会。

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament

The “Xuan-Yuan Sword” is an epic oriental RPG series with 25 years of history.It elaborates on the very heart of this series, the idea of "one, looking at the same thing from different angles, may come to different conclusions. " through a variety of historical incidents in different times.

Richman 4

Richman 4

*** This game is only available in Chinese ***《大富翁4》为掷骰子回合制桌上游戏,玩家在游玩时,除可购买土地、股票外,还可投资公司、参加拍卖,过足富豪瘾。游戏支持单人、多人游玩,玩家既可以与计算机AI角色一同游玩自得其乐,也可和二三好友一起,来一局富豪间的财富PK。

Sword and Fairy 2

Sword and Fairy 2

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《仙剑奇侠传二》故事发生在一代的8年之后,剧情紧接一代,围绕王小虎、苏媚、沈欺霜、李忆如展开,讲述四人交织出一段错综复杂的故事。一代的主角以及全新人物在二代中出现,交待了前后两代发生过以及即将发生的感情恩怨纠葛。本作首次出现了御灵、虎煞、阵术、养蛊、喂毒等多种战斗和养成系统。

Sword and Fairy 3 Ex

Sword and Fairy 3 Ex

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 由于未知的原因,蜀山仙境开始崩坏,掌门徐长卿命南宫煌寻找清冷真人并取得丢失多年的蜀山密宝五灵轮,由此南宫煌展开了一系列奇妙的地脉之旅。南宫煌也由此结识了温慧、王蓬絮、星璇、雷元戈等几位好友,更发现在这灾难背后,居然隐藏着不为人知的创始天道与宿命悲情……

Voice Love on Air

Voice Love on Air

A BL dating sim with elements of studio management and interactions with voice actors! Follow Aki, a newbie voice director who has to complete the recordings for several BL dramas, and interact with the charming voice actors. Come give voice to the language of love!



*** This game is only available in Traditional Chinese *** 玩家扮演一位女性艺人的同时,也要担任自己的经纪人。在三年的时间中,依自己的经营模式,发展演艺事业,迈向最灿烂的巨星旅程。

Empire of Angels IV

Empire of Angels IV

This is a SLG game that developed by SOFTSTAR in Taiwan. Is a dramatic, beautiful painting, use full-time vocal and funniest 3D game.

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Dance of the Maple Leaves

Xuan-Yuan Sword: Dance of the Maple Leaves

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《轩辕剑外传 枫之舞》是一款以战国时代为背景的回合制RPG,主角辅子彻是墨家弟子,因为蜀桑子的阴谋而开始踏上江湖。并在途中遇到年轻可爱的少女桑纹锦,聒噪的鹦鹉疾鹏,以及脱离墨家的同门铸石子,三人一鸟开启了一段惊心动魄的冒险旅程。

Xuan-Yuan Sword 2

Xuan-Yuan Sword 2

*** This game doesn't support English *** 自盘古开天辟地后,女娲神创造了人族与魔族,因性格与外表的不同,两族常起冲突。后来人类铸造了一把神器——轩辕剑,企图彻底解决两族间的战争。持有此剑的侠士带领人类与魔族战得两败俱伤。十七年后,主角离开教他仙法多年的师父下山历练,面对这世上的纷争,期待一个能让自己活跃的舞台……

Sword and Fairy 4

Sword and Fairy 4

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《仙四》自上市至今,廣受玩家青睞,刻骨銘心的故事軸線,至今仍被各界譽為單機遊戲中的雋永之作。故事講述山野少年雲天河從小孤獨地成長,整天以追豬、玩豬、獵豬為樂。某日因為盜墓少女韓菱紗而闖入父母的神秘墓室,墓室中的奇事奇景使得山野少年踏上了尋覓往事、求仙問道的旅途……



*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《明星志願2000》是一款模擬戀愛養成遊戲。主角的樂團因為專輯始終沒有很賣座的表現,而遭到唱片公司解散。雖然樂團遭到瓦解的命運,但是主角並不因此而退出演藝圈,反而立志闖出自己的一片天。

Sword and Fairy 5 prequel

Sword and Fairy 5 prequel

*** This game is only available in Chinese *** 《仙劍奇俠傳五前傳》故事主題為「牽絆」,背景為《仙劍奇俠傳五》故事發生25年前。翩翩公子夏侯瑾軒,雖出身武林世家,卻自幼不喜武林事。直至一日,他偶遇賣藝少女瑕和江湖浪人謝滄行,又恰逢折劍弟子姜承送來品劍大會請柬。本是無奈之下踏上的旅程,最終將牽繫整個人界……

Richman 8

Richman 8

*** This game is only available in Chinese. ***本作是一款经典休闲类电子桌面游戏。预设多幅地图,以掷骰点数前进,并有多种道具、卡片使用,还会触发一些「特别事件」。主要通过购买房产,收取对方的路费、租金,来导致对手破产。同时,游戏中还设有股票系统,让富豪之路的体验更加拟真。

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Clouds Faraway

***This game is only available in Chinese*** 本作故事发生在风起云涌的三国时代。洛阳少年徐暮云,与青梅竹马兰茵、张诰相交甚笃,一同习剑成长。希望有朝一日能以一身武艺协助恩师张郃,报效朝廷。因缘际会下结识了一群人,展开了一连串困难重重的精彩历险……

Tales of Three Kingdoms: The Mortal World

Tales of Three Kingdoms: The Mortal World

Dou Fu, who has always tried to live a low-key life in the chaotic period, gets involved in different events after meeting the “Princess” from the Han Dynasty. The choices he makes will lead them to different endings…

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

Xuan-Yuan Sword V

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 本游戏为回合制RPG。主角陆承轩身负强大力量却无法控制,阴差阳错来到神话中的山海界,在此结识了众多不同物种的奇妙伙伴,一路抽丝剥茧,解开山海界、黄帝、轩辕剑之间的过往密辛,展开高潮迭起的精彩旅程。



A mother, searching for her lost daughter, stumbles into a strange cult village. "Incantation" is a first-person horror game. It reveals the chilling story behind the cult village "Chen Family Village". What are the consequences of crossing dark boundaries?

Drops of God: Creating your Ambrosia

Drops of God: Creating your Ambrosia

Join Blue and Goutte in the marvelous world of Drops of God, where the art of winemaking is elevated to a symphony of flavors and emotions while you Create your Ambrosia, the wine of God.



The player be a store manager and runs a bistro. He could design the daily menu and create the perfect marriage between the wine and food.



*** This game is only available in Chinese ***《正宗麻将3》提供了自由对战、竞赛制的群龙争霸、以及剧情模式的雀坛风云三种玩法。15位每个都各有其对应的语音,打牌时的仿真程度颇高。玩家也能自己设定计台规则,或更改为十三张台型。此外,游戏另行提供了五个简单的赌博游戏,供玩家们在打牌间隙轻松一下。




Richman: Clasic

Richman: Clasic

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 《典藏大富翁》包含《大富翁》《大富翁2》《大富翁3》,共3款遊戲。1989年,大宇資訊將大富翁桌遊搬上電腦螢幕,首次發佈了《大富翁》作品。而後幾十年間,《大富翁》系列逐漸成為華語地區膾炙人口的休閒遊戲。