Alien forces possessing horrifying powers have sealed off the once thriving city of Karnak from all outside contact. As a covert operations specialist, you have been trained for all forms of contingencies. Nothing can prepare you, however, for the nightmare you are about to enter...
Betrayed by his people, TRANTOR is abandoned alone on an Alien planet. His only chance of escape is to actvate the planet's main computer that lies within the terminal building. Armed only with a flame thrower, fight your way to freedom as TRANTOR...THE LAST STORMTROOPER.
You are Korda, the Chronomaster. You must re-start time and right the wrongs of a war-plagued past in this epic quest for vengeance. Journey through man-made "pocket universes" full of cyborgs, pirates and witches who provide deadly puzzles. It's up to you to return justice to the stars.
Quick to learn but hard to master, FINAL FRONTIER is a fast, fully icon operated, Player vs AI strategy simulation not unlike a real time chess game where the player can design his own pieces and structure his own moves. A game of infinite permutations, FINAL FRONTIER takes gameplay to the limits.
Continuing from Legend of the Sword, the wizard has the artifacts again and is threatening to use his mutant army to steep the land of Anar in the blackest night. This time the wizard is wiser. This time, finding the crystals is your only hope. This story is yet to be told. This is your chance to write the history.