Eternal Dream

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现实的存在感在我面前逐渐崩解,我们对彼此的认知也在不断扭曲。 既然现实中的我无可救药——那么,请你爱上完全虚构的我吧。

觅光:第一章 - Seeking Light : Chapter 1

觅光:第一章 - Seeking Light : Chapter 1

在和平的葡葡果蜜花园小镇,有一个热心的勇者叫做莱特。他十分喜欢帮助别人,在小镇中过着快乐而自在的生活。 直到某天,他的朋友向他道出一个秘密。 “莱特,你一定要……”

雨鸦 - You are my sanctuary

雨鸦 - You are my sanctuary


白昼梦 · 心象病院

白昼梦 · 心象病院

This is a pixel style puzzle game, including a certain micro-horror elements. Truth is blind love. Retrieve your memory and escape from this horrible hospital.



This is a story puzzle RPG. Lead the Main character Hiber, who woke up from the snowstorm with no memory, on a journey home to find his memories, stop the snowstorm in this city, and the farewell and parting with the important thing——

The Sunny Day 晴天

The Sunny Day 晴天

In the story, the player plays the KUI, a 14-year-old girl with mental illness, who falls into her own spiritual world for an unknown reason during a daily activity. Players must pass through puzzles and various strange characters to communicate. The player's attitude toward various items in the game will affect the outcome of the game.




风与鸟 - Wind and Bird

风与鸟 - Wind and Bird


打工吧!天使酱 ~天使在魔界的劳改生活~

打工吧!天使酱 ~天使在魔界的劳改生活~

身为业绩不达标的天使,你被迫降到魔界进行劳改。 为了不要永远留在可怕的魔域,你必须完成业绩,否则……

黎明为歌 - Melody before the Dawn

黎明为歌 - Melody before the Dawn

居住在极北之地的少女瑟里卡,每晚都会在睡梦中进入另一个世界—— 这里有着她未曾见过的风景,鲜活的友人,以及一场奇迹般的邂逅。 懵懂的感情为之觉醒,却被提醒一切只是幻梦…… 梦与现实究竟有什么联系,她们的命运又会发生怎样的转变呢? 迷雾笼罩身周,她将舒展梦境的羽翼,为黎明献上歌唱。

The Last Train

The Last Train

In the barren wasteland on the brink of extinction, the last Train departs, supposedly carrying its passengers in search of a place where they can survive. A creature named Eilf boards the Train, determined to travel to Spring - the station that has been said to have vanished.

第七号列车 - Train No. 7

第七号列车 - Train No. 7


Lefka 空垣

Lefka 空垣

《Lefka 空垣》是一款中式赛博灵异RPG。在位于阴阳两界之间的观测站,你将扮演新上任的部长曹麟,与部员列夫卡一起调查由「桃源抛尸案」引入的诸多灵异事件。在这人鬼混杂,乱象丛生的时代下,你们能否探清名为「空垣」的怪象?

Heart Knots

Heart Knots


Section Six Requiem

Section Six Requiem


幻现的花海 - Sea of Phantom Flowers

幻现的花海 - Sea of Phantom Flowers

在讨伐魔王的前一天,勇者回到了她久别的故乡,想要履行昔日对同行者的承诺。 然而,时间似乎定格在了临行前的这一天…… 她承诺过的那片花海,还会如约盛开吗?



《浊之铃》讲述的是不小心解开了奇怪封印、而来到了异世界的少女「秋槿纱」的冒险故事。 是一部以幻想东方风格为背景的视觉小说。 在白色狐狸化作的少女「璃」的的指引下、「秋槿纱」也逐渐发现,看似是异世界的这里的一切,或许都与自己有着某种关联······

买个可乐饼吧! - Buy a Croquette!

买个可乐饼吧! - Buy a Croquette!


Towards Future

Towards Future

Waking up in the darkness, unable to see the sunrise, he remembered the little master carefully carried him home. The base has already fallen into ruin and there are no signs of any living people here. Where did the little master go? Is there any hope left under the doomsday?