Avalon Digital

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Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

CARRIER BATTLES is a classic hex-and-counter digital wargame covering the naval-air battles of the Pacific War, from 1942 to 1943. Find your opponent and strike at him before he sinks your precious carriers, while preventing them from invading or supporting your own amphibious operations.

SGS Taipings

SGS Taipings

The game recreates the Taïping Rebellion (1851-64), the deadliest Chinese civil war, costing the lives of millions. Play the Taïping rebels and their allies, fighting to create their own state, or be the Qing Emperor and crush the revolt and its foreign devils allies before it topples your dynasty.

Wars Across The World

Wars Across The World

WAW is a unique historical strategy turn-based game, in a boardgame spirit, which aims at simulating in one single system ALL kind of wars and conflicts throughout the world (and beyond) from Prehistoric times to nowadays, on the operational or strategic levels.

Napoleon's Eagles: Game of the Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon's Eagles: Game of the Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon's Eagles is the classic board game War & Peace for computer. Be Napoleon – or stand against him – in a series of short scenarios that cover the epic battles of the age, or in a multiplayer-only grand campaign that may – or may not – end on the field of Waterloo.

SGS Okinawa

SGS Okinawa

A standalone epic rendering of the 1945 bloody fighting on Okinawa, the last great battle of the Pacific War. The game is part of the Pacific D-Day collection. Both sides are playable, each with their own challenge.

SGS Glory Recalled

SGS Glory Recalled

Relive the Battle of Hong Kong (8–26 December 1941), one of the first battles of the Pacific War in World War II.

SGS Korean War

SGS Korean War

The first intense conflict of the Cold War, this war is very often forgotten, its very rapid and dynamic but unknown aspect obliterated by months of stagnation following the first year of operations in Korea. Can you make it remembered?

SGS Afrika Korps: Tunisia

SGS Afrika Korps: Tunisia

SGS Afrika Korps: Tunisia is a complete standalone game that covers the famous Tunisian campaign of November 1942 to June 1943. Hold Tunisia as the Axis, or expel your enemy from Africa and set the stage for the Allies invasion of Sicily.

SGS Battle For: Shanghai

SGS Battle For: Shanghai

Fight the ‘Stalingrad on the Yangze’, as was sometimes called the Battle for Shanghai in 1937. Play as the Chinese willing to reclaim the whole city or as the Imperial Japanese forces in their counter-attack.

SGS Battle For: Madrid

SGS Battle For: Madrid

With Battle for Madrid, relive the Nationalists most determined attempt to take the Republican capital of spain from November 1936 to February 1937.

SGS Battle For: Hue

SGS Battle For: Hue

The battle of Hué is an epic fight during the audacious 1968 Tết offensive launched by the Communists during the Vietnam War. Relive one of the longest, bloodiest battles the Americans would fight against VC in that emblematic conflict.

SGS Heia Safari

SGS Heia Safari

The only campaign where forces of Imperial Germany fought victoriously till the end. From 1914 to 1918 in East Africa, you play general Von Lettow and his skilled Askaris or Allied troops from the Empire, Belgium and Portugal. Get the ‘African Queen’ feel when playing this exotic campaign.

SGS Battle For: Dien Bien Phu

SGS Battle For: Dien Bien Phu

The emblematic siege battle of Dien Bien Phu that ended French rule over Indochina in 1954. Fight for the defense of the fortified camp or try to storm it, in order to reach the upcoming Geneva Peace Conference in a position of force.

Small Wars: Mohicans

Small Wars: Mohicans

Small Wars: Mohicans offers you a quick and fun to play experience of the French & Indian War (1754-1760) in the vast wilderness of 18th century North America. Play the French and their Indigenous Allies or Britain troops and colonials and gain control of the new world.

SGS Overlord

SGS Overlord

The largest amphibious operation of WW2, and a two-month campaign in the hell of the Norman bocage. Will you manage to make the decisive breakthrough before the Germans recover? Or will you succeed, as Rommel wanted, in crushing the Allied landing as close to the beaches as possible?

Blocks!: Julius Caesar

Blocks!: Julius Caesar

Blocks!: Julius Caesar is an epic two-player wargame that brings the drama of the Roman Civil War (49-45 BC) to life. Take control of the legions of Caesar or Pompey against AI or in online Multiplayer. Fight to determine the future of Rome: Republic or Empire.

Blocks!: Richard III

Blocks!: Richard III

Richard the Third is an epic two-player wargame that recreates the bloody dynastic struggle in the 15th century between the royal houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England.

Libertad o Muerte!

Libertad o Muerte!

Libertad o Muerte!, the wars of independence of the Spanish Colonies is a turn-based game in 19th century America. Players are the Patriots, fighting for freedom, or the Royalists, trying to keep the empire under Spanish control. Who will prevail?

SGS Operation Downfall

SGS Operation Downfall

Project Manhattan failed! Operation Downfall, the Allied plan for the invasion of the Japanese home islands is set in motion. Start with Operation Olympic to capture Kyushu, and move on with Coronet, the landing near Tokyo. Force Japan surrender with the largest amphibious operation in history.

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Blocks!: Hammer of the Scots

Hammer of the Scots brings both the rebellion of the Braveheart, William Wallace, and the uprising of Robert the Bruce, the Bandit King, to life. As English, you seek to pacify Scotland by controlling all important nobles. The Scots also seeks their allegiance to support the struggle for freedom.

SGS Fall Weiss

SGS Fall Weiss

The Second World War began with the invasion of Poland by German forces on 1 September 1939. It is represented in this strategy game, a fully-fledged turn-based wargame.

SGS Operation Hawaii

SGS Operation Hawaii

On December 7th, 1941, the Empire of Japan struck a surprise blow against unsuspecting American forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaï. In the ensuing confusion and panic, the USA feared a Japanese invasion of Oahu island, but it fortunately did not materialize. But what would have happened if it had?

SGS Winter War

SGS Winter War

Winter War is the story of the Soviet onslaught on tiny Finland from November 1939 to March 1940, at the beginning of WW2. Can the Finns hold beyond the reasonable and receive the long awaited Allied intervention? Or will the Russian bear crush them and force them to lose their border lands?

SGS Pacific D-Day

SGS Pacific D-Day

One game, five great battles where the US Marines gained even more glory, at the price of terrible losses. Relive bloody assaults on Saipan, Tinian, Tarawa, Iwo Jima and Peleliu in this recreation of epic land battles of the Pacific War. Both sides are playable, each with their own challenge