It's the year 2xxx. The inexperienced Toru Sumiki lands a job managing Hookah Haze, a new hookah lounge on the outskirts of Akihabara, where they meet three eccentric girls. The story unfolds as the girls gradually open up to them, connecting through their fondness for hookah...
Dive into the strange town of Rainybrook, taken over by the “Vile” in this 2.5D metroidvania! Fight your way through treacherous terrains and defeat formidable bosses to absorb their powers! Will you save the town and find your missing friend Ella — or will you give in to the monster you've become?
Characters from the hit anime series "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" come together! Featuring an all-new story setting and characters from the original ideas of Gekidan Inu Curry (Doroinu), experience the action alongside Magical Girl memories in this battle RPG!