"As the world sank, I found you." In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. In a little town slowly being enveloped by the ocean, an unforgettable summer is about to begin for a boy and a mysterious robot girl...
"This is a tale of 'flowers' that never bloom." Shirohime, a girl who has lost her memory, and Kurofude, a mysterious boy, traverse through classic Japanese fairy tales within the land of Adabana, a realm of illustrated books. What awaits them after they mend the distorted tales?
"My mother, my daughter, and me—three sixteen-year-olds on an extraordinary adventure."After traveling through time to meet their sixteen-year-old counterparts, three generations of women set off on an adventure through the Land of the Gods. What could await them at the end of their journey?