A strange rumor is spreading through the shadows of Tokyo's H City: a mysterious disfigurement has been appearing on the bodies of certain individuals. Anyone who receives the Mark will rapidly die of unknown, horrifying causes. The countdown to death has already begun...
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II is a suspense-horror game set at a prestigious academy. When rumors circulate about supernatural occurrences at the famed Konoehara Academy in Tokyo’s H City, it’s up to the head of the Kujou family, also known as the “Spirit Doctor,” to take on the case.
Defeat the Devil Kings! You have been guided to the land of fairies where the Dragon King’s Tower housed the hidden treasures that had brought peace to the land. But one day, the Seven Devil Kings stole all of the treasures, and used their powers to turn the tower into a terrible dungeon!
Inescapable: No Rules, No Rescue is a social thriller set in a tropical island resort: you’ve been kidnapped and forced to participate in a twisted reality TV show with 10 strangers. At the end of their stay, they’ll each receive $500,000... If they survive.
Set 150 years before the events of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, XBlaze Code: Embryo is a visual novel that follows Touya Kagari, a high school student whose world is turned upside down when he is attacked by a seemingly otherworldly being and saved by a mysterious girl named Es.
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault is a frenetic and explosive new spin on action strategy gaming. Plan out and build up your defenses as hordes of hulking monstrosities bombard your heavily fortified city in an attempt to wipe you off the Earth for good!
Little Dragons Café opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a small café with their mother. All was routine until one morning when the twins discover that their mother won’t wake up. Suddenly a strange old man appears and tells them that they must raise a dragon to save her.
Trapped below a creepy abandoned mansion deep in the forest, a group of friends find themselves on the run from a terrifying monster. Using only her wits and what's around her, Arisa must uncover the secrets of the mansion, and figure out how to escape...before it's too late.