Zombotron Patch v1.1.1


Fight to survive on a mysterious alien planet, outwit its vicious inhabitants, and do whatever it takes to find a way off that wretched rock.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34023803/8c7acdb6cf99b2bbd3d7dae075f6bef70714f9a0.png[/img] Hello everyone! It's been a whirlwind since Zombotron released last week! We're really enjoying the warm welcome Zombotron has received so far. Of course, some people had a bit of a rougher experience than others. Since the release, we have carefully monitored everyone's feedback and comments, good and bad, all of which helped us identify some rough patches in the game that we had grown too accustomed to, as well as helping us track a number of bugs. Today we are pleased to present you the first patch that solves many of the reported problems. The update has made more than a hundred different changes integrating quality of life changes, bug-fixes, and balance tweaks. And now, the moment you've been waiting for- Patch Notes for Zombotron v1.1.1 [h1]Additions[/h1] [list] [*] Added option that allows to disable the screen shakes. [*] Added option that allows to invert the axis for gamepads, as some gamepads may have incorrect inversion by default. [*] Added glyphs for the Nintendo Pro Controller. [*] Added glyphs for the DualShock (2-3-4) controllers. [*] Added glyphs for the Steam controller. [/list] [h1]Gameplay Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Increased ammo, and healing item drop rate. [*] Decreased baseline enemy and boss HP and damage. [*] Randomized melee weapon attack animations. [*] Added delay to explosive barrels that are triggered by player melee attacks to prevent immediate death. [*] Players no longer lose equipment (helmet and current weapon) on death. [*] Barrels do not explode from melee attacks. [*] Added second checkpoint to the location with the Spider Boss. [*] Added stun and smoke grenades. [/list] [h1]Quality of Life Improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Player Movement: Increased speed when walking backwards, decreased the input lag, improved the jumping system, fixed damage problems when falling from small heights, fixed hangs on the ceiling, removed unwanted friction with walls and doors. [*] Reduced chance of weapon stuck in the store dispenser. [*] Indicators for dynamic interactive things are displayed on top of all design layers and are visible anywhere. [*] Revamped pause system for the physical world that solves a lot of problems associated with the pause. [*] Adjusted Elevator puzzle, and added additional UI that shows where the buttons send the elevators. [*] Tweaked level design on the some levels. [*] Smoothed the difficulty curve on bosses. [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed issue of losing items during the final spawn on a checkpoint. [*] Fixed issues when switching the interface to large (interface elements did not update their positions with changes). [*] Fixed issue where Boss Spider did not receive damage from melee attacks. [*] Fixed issue where sound effects were not properly affected by the options menu sliders. [*] Fixed issue with the progress bars for the save slots. [*] Fixed performance issue in the later levels. [*] Fixed issues with third-party gamepads that resulted in a critical error. [*] Fixed infinite spawning of enemies in the Ambush level. Enemies should now be capped at 10. [*] Fixed minor text errors. [*] Fixed issue where items and experience would fall through the elevator. [*] Removed mines from the game. [*] And lot's of others minor fixes and improvements. [/list] Thank you so much for playing Zombotron. If you previously had a less than amazing experience we do hope these changes help you have a great time with the game. If you want to learn more about Zombotron before anyone else, join us in our Discord: https://discord.gg/Ueqe8BQ