Zombotron Localization and Trading Card Update!


Fight to survive on a mysterious alien planet, outwit its vicious inhabitants, and do whatever it takes to find a way off that wretched rock.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34023803/d6c271bb978946e64c4a86fcfe58577b5d0c3d92.png[/img] 你好, Olá, Hallo, Bonjour! We are happy to announce that Zombotron is now available in Simplified Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, and German! We’re excited so many new players will have the opportunity to play Zombotron in their native languages. Additionally, we are happy to announce Steam Trading Cards, together with profile badges, background images and chat emoticons for you to collect. We wouldn’t have reached this tier without the support of you, our fans. And now, for the last part of this update, the bug fixes! PATCH NOTES: 1.2 * Added, Simplified Chinese translation. * Added, Brazilian Portuguese translation. * Added, French translation. * Added, German translation. * Fixed, if you finish the last level without a car, then there will be no car in the final cut-scene. * Fixed, if you open a chest standing on the elevator and activate the elevator when dumping things, when the elevator is offset the position for resetting things will be updated (Commonly seen after Spider boss). * Fixed problems with cut-scenes at Stone Golem Boss level. * Fixed problems with the overlapping texts and interfaces with a large interface in some resolutions. * Fixed some display issues on large interfaces. * Fixed various errors in the text. * Fixed issue with getting the elevator stuck on the Scavengers Base if you skip the cut-scene before the ambush. * Fixed issue with camera getting stuck if you quickly leave the car and jump inside again.