Zodiacats 1 Year Anniversary


Follow cat Catherine on her journey for the lost astrology papyri and learn more about her job as a witch assistant for bringing good vibes into this Earth! Let Catherine guide you through the zodiac wheel, showing you about features of each solar sign. You can also learn about your cat's sign!

[img]https://i.imgur.com/6C3fs45.png[/img] Hi, humans! ːcathspawː Today is Zodiacats (and Devcats) 1-year anniversary! ːlovecatː Exactly 1 year ago we released our first game, with little hope of success but lots of love within. We always wanted to share our love for felines and raise awareness for adoption and rescue of cats, these meowmazing creatures that had been unjustly labeled as hateful beings. Luckily that wrongful mindset is changing and cats are ruling the internet (and hopefully the world!). We'd also like to announce that Zodiacats is coming to Nintendo Switch on January 26th! The Nintendo Switch port was made by Silesia Games. [img]https://i.imgur.com/5e8TDUB.png[/img] We hope this is our first of many years bringing you wholesome games! ːwinkycatː Thank you again, humans! Love & Purrs, Devcats ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ