Catherine Update


Follow cat Catherine on her journey for the lost astrology papyri and learn more about her job as a witch assistant for bringing good vibes into this Earth! Let Catherine guide you through the zodiac wheel, showing you about features of each solar sign. You can also learn about your cat's sign!

Hello again, humans! We have great mews today! [h2][b]ZODIACATS UPDATE[/b][/h2] This update brings you a glossary: some astrologic explanation on each term we used in sign's attributes. There's 2 new puzzles that work as an ending for the game. These puzzles are only available after completing the zodiac wheel. Another change with this update is the new color scheme for the light puzzle. We made it less bright so the details in the background and cats are more visible and pleasant (Virgo will no longer be a problem! ːlunar2019grinningpigː ) [img][/img] [i]Before and after[/i] Finally, since Zodiacats was our very first release and we had no budget at the time, the Russian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean localizations were just machine translations. After the [url=]A Building Full of Cats[/url] success, we decided to hire translators to make this right. Please, send us a message in the forum if there's anything wrong with these localizations, since we can't understand a thing. ːpapyruswackyː We also included a new language: Traditional Chinese. List of changes: [list][*] 2 new puzzles [*] 2 new achievements [*] Glossary [*] New color for the light puzzles [*] Traditional Chinese localization [*] Russian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean localization remade [*] Catherine exit scene [*] Devcats splash screen SFX [/list] [h2][b]SUPPORTER PACK UPDATE[/b][/h2] We also updated the Supporter Pack! [list] [*] 2 new desktop wallpapers [*] 2 new mobile wallpapers [*] 4 new avatars [/list] Hope you enjoy this update. Thank you again, humans! Love & Purrs, Devcats ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ