Welcome to Zeepkist! You race soapboxes down hills!
Patch 36:
- Added a golf ball, it uses the same physics as the small football
- Updated XG-01, XG-02, XG-03, and XG-04 to have golf balls instead of footballs
Patch 37:
- Added a new property to ball spawners, which acts like gate behavior like you see on other logic gates.
The options are
[*] [b]Any Enters[/b]: Ball gets dropped any time a physics object enters the trigger
[*] [b]First Enters[/b]: Ball gets dropped any time a physics object enters the trigger, and no other physics objects are in the trigger
[*] [b]Any Exits[/b]: Ball gets dropped any time a phyiscs object exits the trigger
[*] [b]Last Exits[/b]: Ball gets dropped any time a phyics object exits the trigger, and there are no other physics objects left in the trigger
Should give you all a bunch more control of logic :)
It should not affect existing ball spawners, because the default option (Any Enters) is the same way ball spawners worked previously.