Zeepkist Beautiful Beta - Version 16, Patch 26


Welcome to Zeepkist! You race soapboxes down hills!

Patch 25: - Making a room with a ' or a " in the title or your username now no longer fails to create a room. - Fixed an input display bug that happened when flight controls were inverted. - Added two new logic blocks with new gate types! The two logic blocks are simple single- or double-input logic blocks, but with 8 new gate types: - Trasher Forcefield - Killer Forcefield - Reset Zeepkist Forcefield - Soap Wheels Forcefield - Offroad Wheels Forcefield - Paraglider Forcefield - Logic Ball Holder - Vertical Tube [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38891205/202989dab1d983fec25d5035924d9fcb4b009412.jpg[/img]