Hello everyone,
We would like to thank the community by extending the “launch window” DLC beyond the original planned week to a full month after release (until May 15). This includes Adol's Adventure Essentials DLC, Digital Mini Art Book, Digital Soundtrack Sampler and Laxia's "Eternian Scholar" Costume.
Today we pushed a new version to the “Preview” build.
You can access the preview branch by taking the following steps:
1) From your Steam Library, right click on Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA and select “Properties”
2) Go to the “BETAS” tab
3) Select the "preview" beta from the dropdown menu. This should start installing the beta version of Ys VIII (no password required)
When it is determined that these fixes are stable, they will be pushed to the default branch. This newest Preview build addresses the following:
[*]Change Ally Behavior functionality that has been assigned a key by default on keyboards
[*]Fixed a display bug that occurred when skipping the Shared Consciousness tutorial
[*]General text fixes
We are still investigating the internal rendering resolution issues discussed in last week’s reports. We are also close to a fix for the flickering issues found in the Eroded Valley and Towering Coral Forest and believe that it should be ready in tomorrow’s update.
Remaining Known Issues & Roadmap:
-Slight flickering in light in Eroded Valley & Towering Coral Forest (Fixed, pending patch)
-Crashes relating to Threading
-Internal Rendering Resolution configuration
-Irregular shadows
-Text errors
-Using Stun Gong in Intercept Battles causes conversation to scroll unusually fast
Thank you for your support! Please continue to use the Troubleshooting Forum so we can track down and eliminate the remaining bugs.
Read our past updates and fixes:
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392727675778]Day 1 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392733152325]Day 2 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392739355428]Day 3 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392745263851]Day 4 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392750977600]Day 5 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/3228394392768341416]Day 8 Fixes[/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/1649883812469405908]Day 9 Fixes[/url]
- NISA Staff