Xenonauts 2 at the Hooded Horse November Publisher Sale

Xenonauts 2

Wage a global war of resistance against an alien invasion. Command turn-based tactical battles, build a network of covert bases, directly control your fighter wings, and achieve strategic victory in a simulation of asymmetric warfare against a technologically superior foe.

[b]Greetings, Commanders![/b] We’re here to share the latest developments for [b]Xenonauts 2[/b], including progress on the [b]upcoming Milestone 5 prototype[/b] and exciting gameplay updates still in the works. Additionally, [b]Xenonauts 2[/b] is part of the [b]Hooded Horse November Publisher Sale[/b], available now at [b]35% off[/b] until [b]November 23rd[/b]. See other Hooded Horse games in our publisher sale. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/HoodedHorse/sale/novembersale2024 style=button]Hooded Horse November Publisher Sale 2024[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34365663/56bab5a6fcce594fdc44257e78641374ae782c25.png[/img] [hr][/hr][h3][b]Milestone 5 Preview[/b][/h3] The development team continues to prepare exciting additions for the upcoming Milestone 5 prototype, which will bring new systems and content to the game. While this content is still in development, here’s an overview of what’s being worked on: [list][*] [b]Supporter System and Strategic Depth (In Development):[/b] The [b]Supporter system[/b] introduces regional VIPs who can boost funding, accelerate research, or improve engineering. However, these VIPs are vulnerable to alien infiltration, contributing to the newly introduced [b]Doomsday Counter[/b], a mechanic that escalates the stakes if left unchecked. [*] [b]Expanded Mission Variety and New Alien Units (In Development)[/b] New mission types—including Battleship crash sites, orbital station missions, and the climactic [*] [b]Operation ENDGAME[/b]—are being designed to challenge your tactical mastery. Additionally, the new [*] [b]Biter alien[/b] is under development, bringing a fast, high-risk threat to your combat scenarios. [/list][hr][/hr][h3][b]Learn More[/b][/h3] To stay updated on the latest progress in Xenonauts 2, visit the Steam store page and join the conversation on the forums or Discord. Your feedback continues to shape the future of the game. As a reminder, you can pick up Xenonauts 2 with a 35% discount until November 23rd as part of the Hooded Horse November Publisher Sale. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/538030/view/4489619632029696059?l=english