X Rebirth 4.10 Update Released

X Rebirth

In the distant future, the X universe faces a period of profound and irrevocable change. While the universe stumbles towards an uncertain future, countless adventures await as new enemies rise in search of power.

This update brings you a number of improvements that didn't quite make it into 4.00, and a few fixes for things that did. In particular we've improved capital ship movement and general AI flight behaviour in specific situations, and made some UI tweaks including adding ammunition information to the detail menus for ships and stations. As usual, we've also improved performance here and there and squashed some crash bugs. Some of the improvements we've been able to make have come as a side-effect of our efforts on the VR Edition that we're working on, and we're expecting more to come from that in the future. The full changelog is quite extensive, and well worth taking a look through: • Added ammunition display to detail menus of ships and stations. • Improved font readability in certain cases. • Improved crosshair visual quality. • Improved slider bar behaviour for large range values. • Improved positioning of minigame display to try to avoid obstructing other elements. • Improved output errors caused by mods which generate certain UI problems. • Improved output from errors caused by Steam configuration issues when trying to start game. • Improved AI fight/flee behaviour. • Improved squadron engagement logic. • Improved combat movement for capital ships with forward-mounted weapons. • Improved determination of zone in which to mine for station-based mining ships. • Improved station-based miners engaged in inter-sector mining. • Improved defence officers on capital ships now target surface elements of hostile ships. • Improved movement from explicit player-given movement order. • Improved capital ship movement in areas with many asteroids (asteroids now break when rammed by a capital ship!). • Improved mouse cursor hotspot in OSX/Linux version. • Fixed several issues with Chinese localisation. • Fixed scroll-bar overlapping frame background in menu in some languages. • Fixed sliders in some menus starting somewhere in the middle rather than at the left. • Fixed notoriety bar not displaying correct LED-states in certain cases. • Fixed several crosshair behaviour and appearance issues. • Fixed several other minor UI visual glitches. • Fixed NPC command not updating correctly in menu. • Fixed sound position of long range scan echoes. • Fixed Xenon capital ships being boardable. • Fixed mining laser getting weapon mods that affect cooling. • Fixed Withdraw From Battle not holding fire. • Fixed squadron escorts not moving to attack in some cases. • Fixed trades getting disrupted by ships fleeing. • Fixed escape pods not moving after being ejected. • Fixed capital ships sometimes getting stuck trading, especially with other ships. • Fixed ships and stations not becoming hostile when their trade drones are destroyed. • Fixed rounding issues causing engineers to sometimes not make progress when repairing hull. • Fixed several issues with ship pathing. • Fixed rare cases of untargetable icons being displayed or comm-actions being listed incorrectly in the interact menu. • Fixed relation mismatch between the Argon Secret Service Licence and the mission rewarding it. • Fixed Argon Secret Service Licence not being able to be regained when achieving the required Argon relation. • Fixed engagement distance tolerances for capital ships moving in combat. • Fixed long-range scan hints appearing too often. • Fixed R&D Chem Lab stations requiring Bio-Optic Wiring during construction. • Fixed subordinates of capital ships taken from the player during the plot ending up in a broken state. • Fixed weapon mod menu being available on NPC ships. • Fixed circular command structures when assigning multiple ships a commander. • Fixed request to repair ship resulting in new drones being installed instead. • Fixed case of fleeing ships failing to do so. • Fixed crash starting game on a PC with more than 8 graphics devices. • Fixed external view being in the wrong position when activated for the first time. • Fixed ships sometimes ending up in wrong positions after loading a savegame. • Fixed cases where player drones bounced off the ship instead of docking. • Fixed ship traders failing to determine the amount of ammunition currently equipped. • Fixed long range scanners not detecting objects in adjacent zones. • Fixed passengers being commable from space, allowing them to be picked up. • Fixed Xenon P being generated for missions more often than it should • Fixed ships patrolling while guarding something, occasionally getting continuously distracted. • Fixed construction drones flying to incorrect positions. • Fixed cases where ships took unnecessary detours into potentially dangerous areas, especially in Home of Light. • Fixed inability to move with a capital ship if a station is nearby (especially the large Split station in Maelstrom). • Fixed mouse input being enabled for flight or first person movement while a game overlay is active. • Fixed inability to leave a highway while a menu is open. • Fixed problems with targeting objects in various cases. • Fixed endless loop when loading a savegame in certain cases. • Fixed several small memory leaks. • Fixed several causes of crashes. • Fixed a cause of performance drain and memory leak affecting long play sessions, particularly large battles. • Numerous small performance improvements.