X Rebirth 4.10 Public Beta

X Rebirth

In the distant future, the X universe faces a period of profound and irrevocable change. While the universe stumbles towards an uncertain future, countless adventures await as new enemies rise in search of power.

In addition to our big announcement today of the new X Rebirth VR Edition, we are also releasing new public beta updates for several of our existing games. [list][*]X Rebirth 4.10 [*] X3: Albion Prelude 3.2 [*] X3: Terran Conflict 3.3[/list] All three of these updates improve the games, and include a number of fixes and performance improvements that have come to our attention over the past months. These updates will, of course, be made available to everybody once the testing has ended. Public beta information: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2870/discussions/0/451850020338425977/ More news: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=392987