Wrought Flesh: The Purple Sands of Cumulun - Major Update Release

Wrought Flesh

Rip out organs and equip them in your own body. Fight biopunk monsters and drugged-up space bandits. You are a Gajeshian Cultist: A near-mythological being built from the bodies of long-dead saints.

[previewyoutube=g4QIzqoSjjI;full][/previewyoutube] The new content update is finally here! Featuring: Completely reworked oasis area Tons of new quests New guns New music tracks A new monster called the Choir Reworked ai and enemies Bioguns now deal elemental damage based on organs equipped Lots of new achievements All writing reworked by an actual writer What's next: I'll be taking a break from Wrought Flesh to work on my next game, a small horror game I'm hoping to have done by halloween. While I do that I'm planning to hire someone to improve performance in Wrought Flesh. Later in fall I'll be finishing up another Wrought Flesh content update being done in collaboration with Breogan Hackett and Val Loughcrewe. It will be a new area set in the tundra that will replace the existing tundra section and have new quests and enemies.