Working On A BIG Update!

In The End

You versus 100 waves of the dead. As you progress, each wave gets more difficult. More zombies will spawn, and be stronger than before, doing everything they can to stop YOU from reaching the final wave! Also Available! New Bots Team Deathmatch, you and an AI Team VS Another!

[h2][b]WORKING ON A BIG! UPDATE[/b][/h2] Some things to look forward to... Bots Mode! (You and your AI team VS Another AI Team) NOT MULTIPLAYER THOUGH.. NEW map dedicated to zombies (Called Eastern Village) Old map will be just for The Bots TDM mode. Updated Zombie Animations, and AI can parkour now, so no escaping them by getting on top of stuff. Updated the menu system. Thinking about changing the name of the game to "Amongst The Dead" [h1] And possibly more, whatever else I can squeeze in!![/h1]